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Angela cash

Grant Program Coordinator

Angela Cash has been married to her wonderful husband Jimmy for 18 years. Together they have a beautiful and blended family of seven children and six grandchildren. She started her professional career in 2001 as a Licensed Practical Nurse and this profession led her to serving the veteran community at the Tallahassee Veterans' Healthcare System (NFSG) since 2011.  In 2018 she was the recipient of the nationally esteemed Secretary's Award for Excellence in Nursing and Advancement of Nursing Programs.


 In 2019 Angie received her Bachelor of Arts Degree in Sociology with a minor in Psychology from Saint Leo’s University. Angie has a certification as a Whole Health Coach and is a firm believer of the affirmation statement, “The Way to Healing is to Simply Speak”.  She enjoys practicing the art of Tai Chi, kayaking, and traveling around the country with Jimmy.  



Angie credits Live the Life with saving her own marriage and now is passionate in helping other couples.  In 2021 she left a twenty-year career in nursing to join Live the Life as the Grants Program Manager. Both she and Jimmy are now certified marriage coaches and instructors for LTL marriage workshops Adventure in Marriage and Hope Weekends.

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2252 Killearn Center Blvd, Suite 100

Tallahassee, FL 32309






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